When individuals endure traumatic experiences, they often carry an energetic imprint that resonates at a specific frequency. This frequency can draw in similar energies, creating cycles of re-traumatisation and repeated patterns in life.
Consider the concept of vibration: everything in the universe, including thoughts and emotions, operates at a particular frequency. When someone has unresolved trauma, their emotional state may emit a low frequency, which can attract other individuals or situations marked by similar unresolved issues. This phenomenon often leads to a subconscious search for familiarity, even if it is painful. One might find themselves surrounded by people who mirror their own trauma, perpetuating a cycle of emotional distress.
When we heal trauma somatically, we release stored tension from the body, rewiring our nervous system for safety and resilience. Unprocessed trauma keeps us stuck in fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses, shaping our thoughts and behaviours. By using movement, breath work, and body awareness, we restore regulation, allowing us to respond to life with clarity instead of past conditioning. As the body heals, the mind follows, creating space for new possibilities and future free from old patterns.